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Top Carpet Cleaning Service in Malad West

Carpet Cleaning Service in Malad West

Stage 1 Vacuuming Treatment: Our powerful pull gear will suck and eliminate all the residue and residue bugs implanted in the rug.

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Stage 2 Foam treatment: We cleanser your floor covering with synthetic froth to eliminate and remove the best particles of grime.

Stage 3 Injection Extraction: Our serious extraction machine eliminates leftover earth and dampness so you get delicate flexible germ free floor covering.


  1. Letting fan or forced air system turned on post the administration for rug to dry alongside regular ventilation and drying time will differ according to the thickness of the heap of floor covering. Complete drying may take around 4-5 hours.
  2. very  heavy furniture would not be moved by our group.
  3. Old and difficult stains will be taken care of the best of our capacity. Be that as it may, we can’t ensure 100% stain evacuation as specific stains whenever treated further, can harm the floor covering

Top Carpet Cleaning Service in Malad West







Call4cleanhome  is the most trustworthy, solid name in home cleaning and absolute home cleanliness arrangements in Malad ,Mumbai. Our house keeping administration has served innumerable homes with bunches of fulfilled clients. Our profoundly prepared and qualified experts utilize proficient particular machines, hardware and synthetics to give a novel, great cleaning experience. We give a wide scope of administrations from modified cleaning to an expedited administration.

  • We utilize specific, safe and government endorsed synthetic substances.
  • Our prepared and experienced experts are foundation confirmed
  • We give a wide scope of cleaning administrations for each need including any customization demands.
  • We take part in constant discourse with our esteemed clients to get their input and update ourselves.


Area in sq. ft Rates
Less than 500 & 500 Lump-sum after Inspection
501 – 1000 5
1001 – 2000 4
2001 – 5000 3.5
Above 5000 3



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