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Sofa Cleaning Services in Walkeshwar, Mumbai 7498540947

Sofa Cleaning Services in Walkeshwar

Sofa Cleaning Service by Call4cleanhome .We offer particular Types of assistance of Professional Sofa Cleaning Services in Walkeshwar, Mumbai and the procedures and synthetic concoctions we use are legitimately endorsed. We are focused on giving your couch, cover, and other home and office things a sterile cleaning treatment. The Sofa Cleaning Services we offer are really a treatment to ward of residue, bugs and other unhygienic components from your couch. You can without much of a stretch book a Sofa Cleaning Service from the solace of your zone home or office.

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At the point when you design the inside of your home or office you ensure that the things you are wanting to furnish your space with gives most extreme solace and style. One such thing is a couch set that finishes the inside of your family room. The couch you utilize more often than not when you are at home. You use it while sitting in front of the TV, visiting with visitors, assembling over tea or for different purposes. It turns out to be essential to give your couch a normal cleaning particularly through experts like Call4cleanhome Cleaning Services who utilize different many-sided Sofa Cleaning methods that reestablish the freshness of your couch.

sofa Cleaning Services

Sofa Cleaning  Service  Price

Number of Sofa Seats Sofa Cleaning Price (in Rs)
3 900
4 1200
5 1500

Above Rates are Excluding GST

Leather Sofa Cleaning  Service

The solace and quality that calfskin couch gives are unrivaled and it is relatively a costly purchase. The toughness of cowhide couches is likewise long yet its appropriate consideration is significant. It can endure harm because of introduction to earth and oils. We offer Services of Leather Sofa Cleaning in Walkeshwar, Mumbai to keep your esteemed thing from maturing and wearing. Couch Set Cleaning and Leather Sofa Cleaning Services are accessible at efficient rates at us.

Number of Sofa Seats Sofa Cleaning Price (in Rs)
3 1200
4 1600
5 2000


  • Old couch texture can fear because of scouring. Over scouring to evacuate stains can likewise harm texture
  • Pad cleaning will be charged extra. (Little Cushion 50/ – Each and Big Cushion 100/ – Each)
  • Sofa ought not be utilized until totally dry.




Best Vaccume Cleaner
Karcher vaccume Cleaner
Bosch Pressure Washer
Electric Pressure jet Washer
Bosch 0 600 910 0F0 High-Pressure Washer Ghp 5-13 C Professional


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